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Shrinking Talent Pool, Security Concerns, Automation and a Critical Inflection Point: Application Modernization Leader EvolveWare™ Releases 2022 Industry Predictions

EvolveWare closes out a year of strong growth, empowering new customers and partners to execute successful modernization initiatives via its industry leading platform Intellisys™

Santa Clara, CA, November 18, 2021 - EvolveWare, a provider of the industry’s leading automation platform in the application modernization space, today unveiled its predictions for 2022. The company foresees a significant surge in application modernization initiatives due to a confluence of factors, including the rapidly shrinking talent pool of legacy programmers, demands for integration with vendor and customer systems, a push to lower effective costs by moving to the cloud and an overall increase in the successful completion of modernization projects.

“Organizations are beginning to achieve concrete successes in modernization initiatives, and the traction in digital transformation that we’ve seen over the past year is unmistakable,” said Miten Marfatia, founder and CEO of EvolveWare. “While this movement is partially on account of the increasingly urgent need to modernize, it can also be attributed to the powerful technologies, platforms and services available to guide these projects to completion. We believe next year will be a turning point in the application modernization industry.”

EvolveWare’s leading application modernization platform, Intellisys, is a comprehensive web-based machine learning platform that supports the maintenance and modernization of applications written in 20+ languages. Intellisys is the only platform that supports end-to-end automation of application modernization processes, including reverse-engineering (documentation), analysis, business rules extraction, code optimization and migration. To date, Intellisys has processed over 100 million lines of code.

EvolveWare’s revenue has grown in excess of 100% year over year since 2019, establishing ongoing partnerships with top global system integrators like Deloitte, KPMG and Wipro to provide its modernization platform and services across a wider range of organizations. This year, the company has also added the State of New York to its ever-expanding roster of government and enterprise customers. During this same period, EvolveWare also released several new features in the Intellisys platform, including the ability to represent legacy code in text understandable for analysis by non-technical users, a major enhancement to its ability to extract and transform business rules to modern platforms, and an upgrade of its transformer to generate code in an architecture that supports cloud deployment.

"One of the main tenets of any modernization project is understanding all of the systems at play,'' said Art Schloth, VP of cSide Tech and Consultant to large Government Agencies involved in overseeing the extraction of business rules using EvolveWare’s Intellisys platform. "Modernizing hundreds of systems can be overwhelming, but with the automation capabilities of the Intellisys platform, business rules extraction (BRE) can be done without the fear of unknowingly leaving out a vital business rule or line of code. For large agency projects, I've worked on, having a BRE tool like Intellisys is the key to modernization success".

2022 Predictions

In identifying the pain points that will drive modernization initiatives next year, the following are the key application modernization trends that EvolveWare executives, partners, and advisors predict for 2022:

The ever-increasing knowledge gap for maintaining legacy applications will reach a critical inflection point in 2022. While mainframes are far from dead, the rapidly dwindling talent pool needed to maintain legacy applications will force IT to take action. The banking and insurance industries, as well as federal and state governments, will dominate the demand for application modernization, given the frequency at which applications have to be modified to meet changing legislative and business policies. A single line of broken code could mean families not receiving their benefits on time or banking customers not being able to access their funds. The risk will grow exponentially in 2022, making software modernization imperative. — Mike Helft, Strategy Officer, EvolveWare.

Security concerns will drive app modernization, allowing IT teams to build stronger business cases for app modernization projects. Old, unused code within legacy applications exposes organizations to significant security vulnerabilities, allowing malicious actors to exploit outdated business rules for a range of potential attacks, including ransomware. Case in point: a recent White House directive called on federal agencies to fix hundreds of online vulnerabilities caused by legacy software systems. This fix is best implemented by modernizing the systems and removing dead code to eliminate potential attack areas caused by obsolete software. In many instances the case for application modernization is sold to leadership when security vulnerabilities are identified. The cost of modernization is far less expensive that the cost of fixing the results of an attack. — Lieutenant General William T. Lord, Former CIO, U.S. Air Force; EvolveWare Advisor.

Hyper-focused on innovation and speed, IT teams will lean more heavily on automation to modernize code. Overall business use of automation and AI has been steadily increasing since the pandemic began, and next year will see a surge in automated tools being applied to modernization initiatives. Driven by the need for speed and the continuous demand for innovation, IT teams will be looking to automation to more quickly analyze legacy code and update business rules. Fully embracing automated modernization tools will enable IT to allocate more resources and energy toward innovation and time to value. — Keith Cox, Managing Director, Application Modernization & Migration, Deloitte Consulting, LLP; EvolveWare Partner.


About EvolveWare

EvolveWare was founded in 2001 to automate processes and services related to maintenance, rationalization and modernization of software applications. The release of the Intellisys platform in 2015 was a significant step towards providing clients with a single platform to automate the management of software applications as they move through their life cycle of maintenance to modernization. Intellisys combines patented technology to extract and analyze metadata from source code written in 20+  languages, providing users with a foundational understanding of its application portfolio. It differentiates itself further by incorporating intelligent features that allow users to select and implement multiple pathways to modernization. To learn more, please visit:

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