
Explore Customer Success Stories

Dive into EvolveWare's case studies to understand the benefits of application modernization and the Intellisys platform.

Deloitte Consulting LLP

Using documentation & analysis capabilities, 
Deloitte delivers application assessments for multiple clients looking to quickly and accurately decide on a cloud strategy. 

U.K. Utility Company

A major U.K. Utility company mitigates risk of delays by documenting its C, C++, Fortran and PowerBuilder code and using Intellisys’ analysis features to understand the impact of “bug fixes” and “change requests”.

Leading Health Care Insurer

Documentation and extraction of business rules from legacy applications is empowering this health care insurer to make informed decisions on their modernization and innovation strategy.

State Dept. of Health Care Services 

A U.S. State Dept. of Health Care Services (DHCS) derives business rules to perform an audit of a part of its Medicaid system and uses them to re-write the module in modern code.

State Dept. Of Transportation

Auctor uses EvolveWare’s Intellisys platform to create an enterprise-level repository and generate documentation for 1.65MM lines of code across multiple programming languages for a state’s dept of transportation in 5 months. 

U.S. Dept. of Defense

A U.S. Dept. of Defense agency migrates a critical legacy system to Java/Hibernate with no run-time dependencies, thereby reducing cost and enabling easily available support personnel to maintain it.


U.K.’s Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency documents and creates target specifications from a critical Natural/ADABAS application after multiple attempts to do the same had failed using other methodologies.

U.S. Air Force & Diligent Consulting

Using Intellisys as part of Diligent Consulting’s “Evolution” solution, the U.S. Air Force extracts business rules from 55 different systems to identify which ones to implement in Oracle’s ERP suite.

Arlington County

Arlington County converts 2 systems with 82% automation rate from COBOL/CA-Ideal/Datacomm code to C#/SQL Server/SSRS  - on budget and on time.


BMI uses Intellisys’ documentation capabilities to understand applications written in COBOL & C# and identify code that needs to be optimized in preparation for modernization. 

U.S. Telecom Company

A major telecom company extracts rules written in Assembler from five regional billing systems, thereafter rationalizing and implementing them in a single system. This initiative resulted in substantial savings in operational costs.


State of New York

New York’s Integrated Eligibility System uses automated documentation & business rules extraction features to help curate and extract tens of thousands of business rules from 31MM lines of legacy code in multiple languages.

Global Investment Company

A global investment company transforms an AS400 COBOL/DB400 application into a Java/PL/SQL/Oracle application at an 87% automation rate using Intellisys’ optimization and migration features. 

State Dept of Health & Human Services

EvolveWare’s Intellisys platform and services were used to extract the business rules from a state’s Medicaid claims system in 6 months.

US Air Force O&M with Diligent

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O&M, Application Modernization

See how Intellisys can help you achieve these results and more
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Learn More About the Intellisys Platform

Overview of the
Intellisys Approach
Documentation and Analysisalsy
Agile Business Rules Extraction