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Code Optimization & Migration. 
No Setup Time. 
No Run-time Dependencies.

Imagine a platform that provides automation
to every aspect of a software portfolio lifecycle: 

Imagine a platform that provides automation
to every aspect of a software portfolio lifecycle: 

Create maintainable and scalable applications using code optimization and migration on the Intellisys platform.

Technology transformations are undertaken to reduce dependency and risk from legacy technology. Application modernization through code optimization and migration is a viable and cost-effective solution as part of these efforts.

The Intellisys platform uses its unique AI/ML technology to develop a detailed understanding of the current state of legacy applications without needing additional set up time. The level of detail extracted is then used to successfully optimize and migrate code to newer, more manageable, and scalable technologies. Importantly, the platform allows you to optimize or refactor legacy code prior to migrating it, enabling you to remove inefficiencies now instead of having to assess and enhance post migration. There are no run time dependencies and no vulnerabilities in the target code, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to choose your maintenance environment for the target application.

Developing Modern Applications with a Microservices Architecture from COBOL Monoliths

According to the Enterprise Strategy Group, 94% of IT professionals surveyed believe their organization will increase cloud-native spend over the...

With Intellisys, you can

Develop a more informed modernization strategy that mitigates risk and results in shorter time to deployment in production.

Optimize the source prior to migration - No "garbage-in" "garbage-out" transformation.

Generate web-based or cloud-enabled applications with no run-time dependencies and vulnerabilities.

Process migrated applications through Intellisys to generate and maintain current documentation for ease of maintenance.

Modernize your applications through code optimization and migration

Reducing dependency on legacy code and languages has become a key motivator for modernization. Learn about the use cases and dive into real world examples that demonstrate the value of code optimization and migration for a tech transformation.

Schedule a 30-minute consultation to see what Optimization & Migration can do for you

Our expert team is here to help guide you.

Code optimization in preparation for migration

Performing code migration without cleaning out the "clutter" of years of maintenance will lead to code "bloat" and performance degradation.

 Intellisys allows you to:

Deactivate dead code.

Consolidate logic to bring together disjointed processes.

Reduce redundancies reported in documentation reports by creating callable functions.

Reduce complexity reported in documentation reports to ensure generation of maintainable and scalable new code with zero vulnerabilities.

Rename cryptic variables and constants to ensure generation of readable new code.

Replace standard source functions with target functions in the desired target language.

Upload normalized data model for the target environment.

Explore Intellisys - Documentation & Analysis

Understand your applications to plan for the future

Detailed documentation artifacts and the ability to analyze your code are crucial for future planning. Explore key requirements and use cases for using knowledge of your applications to decide on a path forward.

Deloitte Consulting LLP

Using documentation & analysis capabilities,  Deloitte delivers application assessments for multiple clients looking to quickly and accurately decide on a cloud strategy. 

Intelligent code migration

With no proprietary libraries i.e. the generated code can be maintained using standard development environments.

That is 90%+  complete i.e. 90%+ of the source code will be automatically converted to target code.

That allows selection of a desired framework for modern technologies.

That supports a service-oriented architecture including microservices.

Intellisys transforms either optimized meta-data or extracted rules to generate code:

Discover how our customers have used Optimization and Migration capabilities in Intellisys

Discover how our customers have used Optimization and Migration capabilities in Intellisys

Learn More About the Intellisys Platform

Overview of the
Intellisys Platform
Agile Business Rules Extraction
Documentation and Analysis 

Interested in migrating your code to a modern language?

Our expert team is ready to answer your questions.
Looking to assess and analyze
your applications?
Our expert team is ready to help.