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Determine Maintenance Needs & 
an Application Modernization Strategy

Using Automated Assessment Tools

Don't let your system knowledge walk out of the door. Document and analyze your applications to create a current understanding of them and use that information to develop an app modernization strategy.

Applications evolve with changes in legislative and business policies. These updates rarely get documented except in the memory of support personnel. Hence, when these employees leave or retire, the “brain drain” is significant and becomes irreplaceable when substitute personnel have little to no knowledge of the technologies in which these applications have been developed. This increases the cost and risk of keeping software updated, managing technical debt, and moving forward with modernization initiatives when needed.

With Intellisys You Can

current application documentation using 100% automation

incoming support personnel

areas of optimization to manage technical debt and vulnerabilities

Break up
app modernization budgets by starting with an application assessment

the documentation to simplify maintenance 
and make informed decisions on an app modernization strategy

Protecting your organization from system knowledge loss

As the “baby boomer” generation approaches retirement age, CIOs and IT decision-makers are beginning to see the knowledge gaps that their departures create.

Documentation artifacts that you can generate and update for training & analysis

Reports related to logistics, inventory, complexity, dead and redundant code.

Drill-down diagrams.

Database model, database activity and entity relationship details.

Logic representation in multiple formats including in a neutral language that any programmer can understand.

Identifying and addressing potential security risks in legacy applications

Having a complete understanding of your application portfolio is vital to combat security-related risks. However, many organizations are working with a limited view, due in part to undocumented and heavily modified legacy applications. 

Analysis features that will enhance your technical team's knowledge and productivity 

Ability to identify code that will be affected in response to legislative and business policy changes.

Ability to generate reports that detail the use of variables along with the values they are assigned during execution.

Ability to trace data structures. 

Access to a multitude of search options for focused analysis. has context menu

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Overview of the
Intellisys Platform

Documentation and Analysis

Ready To Take The Next Step? See How Intellisys Also Facilitates:

Application Modernization

Modernize applications using the Intellisys platform to enable business and technology transformations.

Step 1

Understand the connectivity, logic, and data structures of your applications.

Rearchitect solution steps

Step 2

Extract business logic and consolidate into business rules and processes leveraging subject matter experts (SME).

Step 3

Determine if updates need to be made to these rules and peocesses.

Step 4

Plan out and implement your revised application architecture determining number of microservices and how they interact with one another.

Step 5

Re-document target application to keep information up to date for the future.

Extend your application features quickly by implementing them in a modern architecture

Old, monolithic applications require constant rebuilding and deployment for even the simplest of changes. These applications have been constructed with all business rules related to a business area bundled into a single entity, resulting in inefficient maintenance processes and escalating costs.

To alleviate this, enterprises are adopting more of a modular architecture using microservices. However, to undergo this transformation requires a deep understanding of the logic and connections currently contained in an application set.

Intellisys supports the following path to accelerate this evolution.


Rearchitect Solution Features

Trace execution of statements.

Trace flow of variables and entities.

Create comprehensive documentation including data logistics and inventory, data flow, business and program logic, and more. 

Deactivate statements & business logic.

Merge & split business logic.

Catalog and sub-catalog derived rules.

Step 1

Is a COTS product available where a substantial number of policies and rules that you wish to execute in your modernized application already built-in?  If so, consider a replacement. 

Analyze your options

Step 2

If such a product is not available, does your application contain critical functionality, yet require major enhancements? If so, consider a rebuild.

Step 3

If an appropriate COTS product is not available, is your application suitable for modernization as-is or with minimal enhancements? If so, consider refactoring.    

Step 4

If it makes sense to move forward, automatically export the rules and processes into your COTS solution of choice.

Step 5

Re-document target application to keep information up to date for the future.

Replace or Rebuild 

Which path should you choose? 

Replace or Rebuild
Replace or Rebuild

Step 1

Document the application to be modernized that includes connectivity diagrams, business logic and data access details.

Step 2

Consolidate the business logic using Intellisys’ BRE features to derive business rules.

Step 3

Catalog and sub-catalog the derived rules based on services to be implemented in the COTS product or target application.

Step 4

If it makes sense to move forward, automatically export the rules and processes into your COTS solution of choice.

Step 4

Export the rules for implementation in the COTS product, or for consumption by the modern application development team.  

Step 5

Re-document target application to keep information up to date for the future.

Replace or Rebuild solution steps

When choosing to replace or rebuild an application, the prudent next step would be to extract all the business rules from the application to be replaced or rebuilt. If the application is being replaced, any extracted rule that is not present in the COTS product may be exported to that product for implementation. If the application is being rebuilt, the extracted rules may be included in the specifications of the target application to be developed. 

Step 1

Understand the connectivity, logic, and data structures of your application(s).

Rebuild solution steps

Step 2

Extract business logic and consolidate into business rules and processes leveraging subject matter experts (SME).

Step 3

Export rules and determine what updates need to be made to these rules and processes to accommodate new needs and what can be streamlined.

Step 4

Rewrite application, test in the relevant environments and deploy.

Step 5

Re-document target application to keep information up to date for the future.

Rebuild Solution Features

Identify redundant code.

Catalog and sub-catalog derived rules.

Export all rules.

Merge/Split subroutines into consolidated processes.

Annotate program flow in plain English so easy for business users to understand.

Merge & split business logic.

Group derived business rules as services and generate a service model diagram.

Rename derived rules to better describe their functionality.

Rewrite out-of-date applications from the ground up for consolidation and efficiency

Over time, large organizations have likely accumulated multiple applications with similar purposes as well as those that no longer fully serve current customer needs as is. In order to create a more effective and up-to-date application set, these organizations should consider rewriting applications that are only partially relevant for today’s business needs.

ntellisys ensures the success of such complex projects using the following pathway.


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